Yes, we are pregnant!!
I thought we'd timed everything right and as the days dragged on, I had my suspicions. A cheap test a couple days ago only made me question myself but today, TWO positive tests confirmed what I suspected. I'M PREGNANT!! I am still in shock.
Especially after a few negatives, you really can't believe your eyes when it's positive. It still doesn't seem real.
I stood there and watched the second line appear almost immediately and thought I was losing my mind. Like I was seeing double! It can't be!
I left the bathroom for a moment then walked back in and...sure enough...two lines! I re-checked the instructions. Yes, two lines means you're pregnant! And there are two lines!!
I mean, there's no denying it. None of the squinting or second-guessing. Two lines. TWICE. It even showed up clearly in my camera phone.
So I sent the phone picture to my hubby and SIL. I uploaded the pics to send an e-mail to my parents. Then I went ahead and e-mailed my hubby, then called him. He wasn't surprised. He's a pretty mellow guy but I could tell he was excited. Or maybe just relieved. He knows the "trying" makes me crazy.
My family has this thing with the number 11. And the time 11:11. It's weird. My mom and I were born in November, the 11th month. My hubby was born October 11. When I found out I was pregnant with our son? He was due in November, too. And I announced the pregnancy on March 11. My mom's mom was born on July 11. My brother's birthday is Dec. 11 and he married a gal with a November birthday and married her on June 11, not even really on purpose. Their son was also born in November, two months early!
Then today, I took the test then got the camera out to take a picture and I grabbed my marker and wrote the date on it. I thought, "9-2, that should be significant." Then it hit me. It adds up to 11!! My number! Our family number!! I thought, "Oh, Lord. You are so funny." A little extra confirmation.
My parents get the 11 thing, so to surprise them with the news, I sent an e-mail with a picture of the positive test and the subject read "9 + 2 = 11." I called and said, "Hey, y'know what today is?" My mom thought about it and goes, "September second. Nine two." I go, "Which adds up to..." "Eleven!" she says. I told her, "I sent you a fun e-mail about the number 11. Go check your e-mail and call me." She called right back and opened it and was like, "Oh! What is this I see?? Two lines?? Did it really happen??" She figured it out!! She said later that she'd thought it was some kind of e-mail forward about a funny math game. Heehee. I got her!!
Then I called my father-in-law, mother-in-law, other sister-in-law and
other sister-in-law, plus my dear old friend in Florida who's also pregnant! I sent the phone pic to my boss, too. She'd been asking me about it today but, of course, I had nothing but my own suspicions to tell her. My plan is to send a batch of pictures to my grandmother via her local Walgreens (which we do a lot) and sneak in that fist picture of me into the mix and have her call me to go through them.
It's an exciting time, of course.
And yet there is this slight hesitation to get too attached to the idea, considering that I lost the last pregnancy before I was even to 6 weeks. I feel differently about this one. I feel symptoms already, or at least I think I do. It feels more...real. It feels like God is in it, but I felt that way last time. That's the trick: to feel at peace, regardless. I've heard David Crowder Band's "You Never Let Go" yesterday and today, appropriately. I will praise Him for the good and the bad!! God is the same, no matter what my circumstances. But I know He wants me to have a healthy baby and that is what we're praying for.
I've already e-mailed people, asking them to pray.
Will you pray, too? For my health and the health of the baby. For strong implantation and the perfect cellular activity to be happening. For high hormonal activity. For peace for me.
I'd made an appointment with a new ob/gyn for Sept. 15 but will have to reschedule it for a pre-natal visit. I'm going to tell them I miscarried last time but I don't know how that affects things, if they'll want to see me sooner or anything. If not, it'll probably be several weeks before I have to go in.
I'm certainly not taking anything for granted this time. This early phase of pregnancy is so fragile and such a miracle. "God, protect this little life and help it to grow perfectly. Knit it together in my womb. Rush health to it, help it to suck up the nutrients it needs, send the hormones and the blood supply. Help me to be well and at peace. Bless this precious baby-to-be. Amen."
Feel free to write your own prayer, too! Thank you!