Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pregnant fairy at 27 weeks

No, I didn't endeavor to make a maternity tutu...so this is as good as it gets!

I hosted my sixth annual Valentine's Day tea party, but this year, I also invited little girls to come and had a Fairy Garden theme. I wore wings, folks. That's as "fairy" as I could get. I needed much bigger wings to balance out the belly!!

Here's me with my sisters-in-law (my hubby's sisters) and my niece. Festive, eh??

And a lovely shot with my mama.

And the belly shot you're dying to see.

Then this is me after church Sunday at about 27.5 weeks. Many people commented that #1, I'm looking bigger all the sudden and #2, am I trying to hide my belly??? No, I just thought the scarf was cute!! I definitely look and feel much bigger, though!!

Why my hubby wanted the plates in the picture, I do not know.

ACK! I look even bigger with it covered up!!

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