Tuesday, December 23, 2008

OB report

I took my grandmother to my OB appointment today so she could meet my doc. My uterus is measuring at about 22 in. at almost 21 weeks, which is right on. She found HIS heartbeat on the right side, way higher than last time, and it was so strong. In the 140s, just like at the ultrasound. She found it, he moved a little, and she found it again. She was awake but just kinda swimming around, so she said he seemed happy. Weird, huh? I liked hearing that! :) My blood pressure was 122, which impressed Nannie!

I did gain weight, of course, but she expressed no interest in how much--I think 8 lbs. total, according to them.

She did remind me that after 20 weeks, it's all downhill!! HA!

I asked her about rupturing membranes during labor and she said she almost never does, but rather let's nature take its course. So that's good! And I asked her when she wants me at the hospital and she said I could come whenever and if I wanted to wait until the last possible moment, fine! I'd love to get there when I'm fully dilated and just about ready to push so I can walk in, get in the room, and have this baby!! So that was good news, too.

So all is well for the next month! I showed her the pictures of our baby boy and she was glad I did. I took her a lil' goody for Christmas, too. I'll see her again in 2009!!

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