Wednesday, April 1, 2009

35 weeks and lots to do!

There could be anywhere from two to SEVEN more of these week updates--yikes!! I am definitely reminding myself that I could go full term, or full term plus as much as 14 days, so as early as April 23 and as late as May 20!

I realize every pregnancy and every baby are different, but it may be helpful to note that Andrew was born 9 months almost to the day that he was conceived. He was conceived right around February 27, due November 20 and was born November 26, almost 9 calendar months to the day that he was conceived.

So, I looked back at my blog from when we were "trying," and I almost certainly ovulated on August 19. My doctor's due date is May 6 (which is 9 calendar months from my last period, incidentally), whereas my calculation was May 13 (266 days from conception). The 19th would be right at 13 days overdue and I doubt they'd let me go that long. I just know that I'm going to try my hardest not to get overly-antsy as May progresses.

Well, I'm VERY excited about the next several days!

THURSDAY: My OB appointment. I haven't seen her in a month cuz she was at a birth the last time I went and I have several questions and am eager to hear how we're growing. I haven't gained an ounce according to my scale and I don't even know what my chart says as far as total weight gain--and I'm wondering how he's growing, too.

FRIDAY: I hope to get my pedicure, plus there's my friend's birthday party (a great distraction), which includes dinner! YUM!

SATURDAY: My baby shower!! Then Mom and I are going to do a little shopping, mostly for the items for my hospital bag. This one is new to me because Andrew's birth was an emergency hospital transfer, so I had to rely on my sister-in-law to bring me what I needed. Yikes! This time, I will be prepared!

SUNDAY: My maternity photo shoot! There's two reasons why I'm super-excited about it: #1, it's FREE! My college roommate's sister is "making a go" of her photography business and has agreed to do the shoot if I'll advertise for her and if she can use the images to promote her business. #2, it's my friend's sister, whom I've met several times, so I'll be more comfortable. Drew wants to do some..."adventurous"...shots, so it'll be nice if I'm relaxed! Andrew and Drew are coming along so we can do some big brother and family shots--yeah!

My to-dos:
1. Group B strep test, which will happen tomorrow at my doc appoint.
2. pack the hospital bag, which we're doing on Saturday. I wanted to kind of do it all at once, probably at Wal-Mart. I found my cute, black and pink polka dot bag, so that's what I'm using--I just have to fill it!!

I found a great list on

How am I feeling, you ask? Weeellll, I always say "I can't complain" because I know many women who deal with complications and all manner of discomfort at this phase, and I'm complication-free and really have no major issues, so...I'm thankful! My only "complaint" is the he feels so huge and so cramped, so being upright is not my favorite, but unfortunately, life requires a lot of it! Sleeping is funny...I sleep well overall, but wake up probably ten times/night to switch sides and readjust my pillows because of hip pain. Beyond that, the weird jabs and rolls up high and down low can be painful or strange, but at least I know he's happy and well!!

So really, I can't complain! Two more weeks until I'm full term--I'll feel a lot better then...except that Drew's going out of town, so actually, I'll feel better at 38 weeks!

Baby is now the size of a honeydew!

From now on, baby's growth is mostly in the plumping up department -- though he won't get much longer, he'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth. (He's about 15 percent right now and will be about 30 percent by full-term.) His hearing is totally developed (tip: baby responds best to higher pitches), and if he really is a "he," his testes have probably completed their descent.

1 comment:

Avily Jerome said...

Great updates! Thanks!

Looking forward to your baby shower!!! :)