Wednesday, April 15, 2009

37 weeks...92% done...3 weeks from EDD!

Most sources call 37 weeks full term, others go with 38.

I have now completed 37 weeks--three weeks to my due date!!

Here's me at about 36.5 weeks on Easter Sunday.

My ankles were very puffy when we returned from Easter Sunday, which is strange because I didn't have to DO anything all day! We did walk to my parent's nearby park and back, but that was less than an hour on my feet. Doesn't take much, I guess!!

Here you can see it even better, especially my right ankle. Whoooa.

I am also 1 week from the "birth month," which places your due date in the middle and gives you two weeks on either side--which is when 85% of babies are born. So I'm still earlier than "normal" and that's fine by me because Drew is set to go out of town next week and return just after I hit 38 weeks. I'll be "keeping my legs crossed" until he returns, and then still not "trying to get things started" until I hit 39.

I'm putting quotes around everything because it is not, of course, up to me!! Only God knows when this baby will make his appearance!!

Drew and Andrew are tagging along to my OB appointment today, which is exciting--Drew has never met her before. Ethan, meanwhile, is definitely active this morning and I am feeling some pressure down low--but I had all that at the end with Andrew, too. I didn't have a whole lot of warm-up with his birth except a few Braxton Hicks after a long day...but when that first "real" contraction hit, there was no stopping it and I knew that was "IT." No false labor or anything, although we did time contractions the day before briefly but they were very mild and never picked up. Hopefully, I'll remember what the real thing feels like--no false alarms!!

My anxiety is all but gone, although I do have to keep myself busy and pray a lot to keep it at bay. Like today, knowing I'm going to the doctor, the anxiety levels start to try to creep up--but I'm keeping it positive and reminding myself that these doctor visits are the most exciting!! The hemorrhoids are also gone and not bothering me, assuming I rest and don't sit for long periods of time. I do have a card order to fill but I'll sit on the Boppy while I work! My weight gain got stuck again--we'll see what her scale says. I swear, this baby just takes exactly what I'm putting in, cuz I feel like all I do is eat, and I make sure it's all healthy, too! Weird.

My midwives never checked my cervix when I was pregnant with Andrew and I still question why it's done routinely. No matter what she tells me, it's really meaningless. You can be totally closed up and then change in a day, or open to 2-3cm for weeks!! The reason I'll allow it today is because Drew is going out of town. I want a head's up if anything is "happening" and knowing it's not would be comforting, too.

P.S. I just checked myself and my cervix is VERY high and decidedly closed, so we'll see if my doc agrees!!

I'll post the OB report when I get back! :) Oh, and maybe a belly shot, too. At this point, it'll be fun to compare once he "drops," so I'll probably post a picture once/week.

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