Monday, April 20, 2009

37.5 weeks, belly shots & update

This is more for future reference, to see how/if my belly changes in the days to come. Well, it's sure to grow, of course...but I'm wondering if I'll "drop" or start to actually get smaller. With Andrew, I was bigger on my due date, then actually smaller two days before labor started. I think amniotic fluid levels go down at the end, plus they're sitting so low that your profile changes.

Anyway, over the weekend, I definitely started feeling different. Whether he's lower or not, I don't know...but he's definitely doing something different because all the jolts and movements I'm feeling down low are NEW--and there are a lot of them! It's like he's just swaying back and forth, like break dancers do on their heads. And tap dancing on my bladder and cervix. And tickling my ribs with his fingers or toes.

His head seems to be resting in a lower spot and causing all manner of discomfort and bizarre sensations. I'm getting a lot of shooting pains into my pelvis and quite a bit of pressure around my cervix. I even have hemorrhoids again for now good reason, like he's pressing on that, too! Oh, and diarrhea. Lovely. It may just be the anxious/excited factor causing the belly ache, but who knows??

What I do know is that I felt this way about two weeks before Andrew was born. I journaled about similar sensations and changes right around 38 weeks. So, maybe we're getting closer and he'll be here sooner rather than later.

I'm betting that there will be a change from last week when I see my OB on Wednesday--maybe I'll be calling Drew to tell him to get on the next flight! :)

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