Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm getting a newborn!!!

The reality that there will be a newborn in the house within the month hasn't QUITE sunk in yet. AT ALL.

I have no bassinet (my co-sleeper was loaned out and I can't get in touch with my friend to get it back), there's no nursery (he'll be rooming with us and his stuff is in our room), none of the baby gear (swing, bouncy seat) is out of the garage yet, and over all, there just isn't any evidence that a brand new little human will soon be joining our family.

Someone asked me yesterday if I'm imagining holding Ethan in my arms. Well...kinda. I am so focused on the days leading up to the birth and the labor and delivery itself, that the END RESULT of a baby is sort of an afterthought. Weird, huh?? I know I will surely savor the moment when it happens, of course. And I'm viewing my hospital stay like a vacation. Staying in bed, having food brought to me, no obligations except to hold, feed and love my new son...

But still, the reality hasn't quite hit.

In other news, this precious, hand-knitted newborn hat arrived yesterday from a bloggy friend. The kindness of strangers never fails to amaze me!! She wanted him to have a cute hat for his hospital stay (and his first pictures) instead of the hospital-issued hats. I adore it and imagining Ethan, brand new and squishy, makes my heart happy.

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